A Few Tips for Your Bedroom…

SET the STAGE for LOVE | 4.10.23

I’ve been working on Feng Sui for my bedroom and I wanted to let you in on some tips and tricks for making your space the *ultimate* in appeal — and super great for calling in partnership! 

First, the bed should be in a “commanding position.” Situate your bed centrally as the main event of the space, after all, you’re using your bedroom for intimacy and sleep — it should be the rockstar! Your bed should have a clear vantage point of the doorway, without being in total alignment with the door. 

Get a headboard for your bed. This represents stability in your life and partnerships. (Be careful of headboards that have ‘bars,’ this could make your bed feel like a prison!) 

The BIG advice I give folks about bedrooms: DON’T put a TV in the bedroom! Having your bed be an entertainment space (or worse, a “zone out” space) takes the magic away from sexy time and prevents good sleep.

Another don’t: Your workspace/desk should absolutely not be in your bedroom. Having work in the same space as “intimacy” is a no-no. Plus, any lights/energy/wi-fi from your computer can hurt your sleep as well. So, just go ahead and limit devices and screens in the space! 

White is the best color for bedroom walls. White = zero negativity. Add warm shades like pink and orange for love. Red can add some spice. Neutral colors promote relaxation. 

Have bedside tables on BOTH sides of the bed. I recently upgraded mine to MATCHING bedside tables. This is great for your partnership energy! Even better: add matching lamps! (That’s my next move.) Pairing everything in your space makes sense for partnership… including artwork. But don’t use a bed with a split box spring — it could be divisive.

Let me know if you take any of these tips to heart and implement them. I’d love to see a picture of your bedroom space and how you up-leved it! 


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