Before I Was a Sex Coach…


I was a meditator. Although I started doing yoga back in 1998ish, I didn’t fully embrace meditation until I stumbled upon Tibetan Buddhism in 2006. You see, I was at a hard time in my life… my first marriage had ended, I was suddenly a single mom of two, and my son was diagnosed with an eye disorder that leads to blindness. Going to meditation retreats kept me sane — or at least saner. But that hard time, led me to a life-long meditation practice and my introduction to Tantra in the Tibetan Tradition.

Sometimes, a hard time is what moves us forward.

What happened to you this past year that propels you forward this year? What are you looking for to provide stability in your life? What parts of yourself do you want to more fully embrace? What parts of yourself would you like to shed?

Simply sitting quietly can help you answer some of the questions above.

Some of my clients and students come to me because they have a specific sexual problem. Others just want to up the ante in the bedroom. Still others are looking for more self-love. Their desires run the gamut. But one thing I almost always prescribe as an antidote is some sort of meditation or mindfulness practice, be it a visualization, some type of breathwork, or a particular pleasure practice. (Or most likely ALL of these?!)

But my #1 prescription for improving your sex, love & relationship life is always meditation. If you see me post on my calendar that I’m teaching Meditation for Better Sex, definitely check it out.


What if YOU were a SOVERIGN embodiment of LOVE???


Setting the Stage for Play