Are You Ready for a Bed In?

The BENEFITS of a BED-IN | 8.28.23

Perhaps you’ve read a newsletter of mine where I prescribed that couples take a certain amount of “time out” for each other on a regular basis. Did you do that? If so, I’d love to hear how you incorporated my ideas there!

But, maybe you blew it off because setting aside time or money seemed difficult.

Today, I have another idea for you… A “Bed In.” But, I don’t mean like the John & Yoko political statement.

I’d like you to consider a NEW type of Bed In experience. A time out that doesn’t require travel, packing your bags, or a wad of cash. All you really need is YOU and at least 24 hours set aside alone.

Why have a Bed In?

1) Our society rewards effort, output & production. One of the most rebellious things we can do is to take time to rest. Because we need it.

2) Slow quality time nurtures our romantic and sexual relationships. If we aren't providing ourselves this time, our relationships will suffer. (The same is true for our relationship with ourselves!)

What happens at a Bed In?

Whatever you want! Discuss the idea with your partner. You can take this in lots of directions… Here are some ideas:

  • Read each other poetry in bed,

  • Stay naked for 24 hours,

  • Eat take-out in bed,

  • Do Tantric practices together,

  • Hold each other,

  • Have deep conversations,

  • Make love,

  • Do a crossword puzzle together,

  • Sleep…

What do I need to do to prepare for a Bed In?

  • Pre-determine your parameters: What’s the ideal length of time? What activities will you enjoy? Who will do what preparation? Will you spend the whole time naked? Will you spend the whole time actually in bed?

  • Get your home/space ready. Create a tidy space (where clutter, like laundry, is at least tucked away) is the best environment. Clean sheets are a must.

  • Build a Sex Altar. (One of you can do it as an Act of Service). If you need more info, check out my podcast on Sex Altars.

  • Prepare snacks or have Door Dash ready on your phone, so you don’t have to leave the house to grab food. Have water bottles or other beverages ready.

This isn’t just for couples! You can have a solo Bed In! Plan your own parameters… Try an extended self-pleasure session, listen to your favorite music, hunker down with a good read. We ALL deserve rest and pleasure! (This could be a great practice for women to try on their Moon Cycle!)

So, what do you think? Are you ready to give a “Bed In” a try? Let me know if you try it!

If you want to learn Self-Pleasure Practices and/or Tantric Practices to take to your own “Bed In,” fill out my Client Interest Form today!


Having a Neutral Confidant